General Objective

TAICHIP aims to boost TalTech’s and its Advanced Partners’ scientific excellence and innovation capacity, and advance the industry and society in the interdisciplinary area of the design of reliable and efficient Artificial Intelligence chips. The goals of the action are to be achieved through the outcomes of joint research, strategic networking and innovative training activities.
TAICHIP is a HORIZON Europe Twinning Bottom-Up action. Building on Estonian Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) teams’ long-term expertise in the field of computer engineering and its high-level capacity in the domain of diagnostics and testing of nanoelectronic systems, this project aims at establishing in TalTech, with the strong support of the Advanced Partners, the capacity to R&D&I a complete customised AI-chip design flow. The research ambition of the TAICHIP (TalTech AI-chip) action is a leading-edge forward-thinking R&D framework for reliable and resource-efficient custom AI-chips based on open HW architectures (e.g., RISC-V, NVDLA), open EDA (Electronic Design Automation) tools, methodologies and implementation technologies satisfying the requirements of AI applications of tomorrow. TAICHIP project also allows building at TalTech the necessary scientific knowledge, research skills, administrative and management skills, as well as strengthening its advanced training and education capacity. Evenly related to the central goal are the additional measures that focus on building the supporting capacities, as well as dissemination, exploitation and communication, and public policy focused activities.
Action duration: September 1, 2024 - August 31, 2027 (3 years)
EU funding scheme: Twinning Bottom-Up (HORIZON-WIDERA 2023-ACCESS 02-01)
Associated partners fuunding: UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI)
Total budget: 1.7 MEUR (EU, UKRI and SERI contributions)


Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia)
IHP Microelectronics (Germany)
Ecole Centrale de Lyon (France)
University of Manchester (United Kingdom)
ETH Zürich (Switzerland)