
Tallinn University of Technology is the only technical university in Estonia, and it is the flagship of Estonian engineering and technology education. TalTech is cooperating with world-leading technology companies and universities and is in charge of nurturing the next generation of engineers and advancing engineering culture in Estonia, contributing to the sustainable development of society and increasing national prosperity with its innovative services. The R&D related to AI-chip design is initiated by a cluster of research groups constituting TalTech Chips Cluster that will be formalised as an outcome of the TAICHIP. The core of the cluster is established by the Centre for Trustworthy and Efficient Computing Hardware (TECH) led by Prof. M. Jenihhin (coordinator for TAICHIP), and involves several tightly collaborating groups (including co-supervision of PhD students and co-authorship of publications) in the Department of Computer Systems and the Department of Electronics (i.e., the research groups of Prof. Samuel Pagliarini, Prof. Jaan Raik and Prof. Yannick Le Moullec) and the Centre of Studies for Computer Systems (Prof. Peeter Ellervee).

Prof. Maksim Jenihhin
Prof. Maksim Jenihhin
Coordinator, collaboration in research, co-supervision, training, WP6 Leader
Prof. Yannick Le Moullec
Prof. Yannick Le Moullec
Enhancing TalTech training capacity, collaboration in research
Prof. Peeter Ellervee
Prof. Peeter Ellervee
Enhancing TalTech training capacity, collaboration in research
Prof. Jaan Raik
Prof. Jaan Raik
Collaboration in research, co-supervision
Prof. Samuel Pagliarini
Prof. Samuel Pagliarini
Collaboration in research, co-supervision
Prof. Masoud Daneshtalab
Prof. Masoud Daneshtalab
Collaboration in research, co-supervision
Dr. Tara Ghasempouri
Dr. Tara Ghasempouri
Collaboration in research, co-supervision
Dr. Artur Jutman
Dr. Artur Jutman
Collaboration in research, co-supervision